vitamin D, Amber Fields

Amber Fields recommends getting Vitamin D to boost serotonin

Amber Fields, a professional model who has worked as a ring card girl for professional boxing, bare knuckle, and mixed martial events, is also training to try her hand at boxing competition.

In the spirit of staying both physically and mentally fit, Fields recently posted an important health tip on her social media accounts.

“Did you know, Sunlight boosts the production of serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and promotes feelings of happiness and well-being? So, catching some rays isn’t just good for your tan; it’s a natural mood lifter too! ☀️😊 #SunshineTherapy #mentalhealthawareness #vitamind #kyliejenner”


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According to the National Library of Medicine, “Low vitamin D levels are associated with increased symptoms of depression and anxiety. For this reason, vitamin D screening should be performed in the prevention and treatment planning of these mood disorders.”

The reporter goes on to say, “Adequate intake of vitamin D is particularly dependent on sunlight. Synthesis occurs with short-term (15–20 min) direct exposure to sunlight. In longer exposure to sunlight, compounds called lumesterol and which do not show vitamin D activity are formed. However, vitamin D synthesis levels in exposure to sunlight are affected by various factors such as skin pigmentation, sunscreen use, latitude, season, and age, and dietary or supplemental intake does not directly contribute to 25(OH) cholecalciferol levels. It is emphasized that factors such as body mass index, body fat percentage, and calcium intake are also effective on serum vitamin D levels. When the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency is examined, it is reported that 40% of Europe has vitamin D insufficiency, and 13% of them have severe insufficiency.”

So, go on.  Get outside as the weather gets warmer and soak up some sun (in a healthy manner of course).

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Eric Kowal - We cover everything from MMA, BJJ, Bare Knuckle, Wrestling, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Judo News, Opinions, Videos, Radio Shows, Photos and more.