Nicolas Dalby: Depression Battles and Parenthood
Nicolas Dalby is a fighter I’ve been a BIG fan of since his first stint in Cage Warriors. The guy who would later take Darren Till to a draw was as much known for headkicks back then, as he is now. Back in March, the Danish fighter won the interim Cage Warriors WW Belt in front of his own people against a tough Alex Lahore. Now the stage is set for a clash with Scotland’s Ross Houston, to see who is the undisputed champion.
‘Lokomotivo’ Dalby was gracious with his time and was very open about (how see’s) a huge difference in his life since departing with the UFC
“Of course signing with the UFC was the stuff of dreams, but I wasn’t in a good place, mentally, at that time. My friends sat me down… it wasnt like an intervention, but it close, Y’know?”
I asked the Danishman to elaborate and he duly did.
“My friends said, y’know, you’re drinking every night, is this what you want to do, it was causing me real mental problems, I lost focus, I lost hunger and desire and it needed someone to point out that I must change NOW or Never!”
Nicolas went on to say that becoming a father helped him make that change. And Lokomotivo has never looked better in my opinion! 3 finishes in his last 3 fights! What’s in the way is a monster of a man in Ross Houston, and we chat with him on the podcast aswell… stay subscribed to hear all my fighter interviews with the cage warrior fighters and be sure to subscribe to Martial Arts Chat Podcast on all platforms!