Herb Dean to help raise awareness of best health practices with StayHealthy

Herb Dean to help raise awareness of best health practices with Stayhealthy

Healthcare technology company Stayhealthy has announced that it is partnering with Herb Dean, the highly respected mixed martial arts referee, on a new campaign “Fighters for Health.”

The initiative will feature professional fighters teaming up with fans, families and communities to raise awareness of best health practices through an entertaining educational mobile platform including augmented reality (AR). At the same time, fighters will benefit their favorite charities through a social media “gives back” program.

“Throughout his career, Herb Dean has always appreciated the relationship between high performance and healthy living,” stated Robert Ferguson, Stayhealthy’s Healthcare Ambassador and noted nutrition expert. “We’ve known each other now for several decades and the common thread we’ve shared is a passion for helping others. In Herb’s case, he’s been devoted to supporting people on how to live their best life.”

“I’m excited about joining forces with the Stayhealthy team,” added Dean. “‘Fighters for Health’ is a natural way to enlist professional athletes and get out in front of the current battle we’re waging in this country to fight unhealthy nutrition, lack of exercise, and chronic disease based on excess body fat. By combining the impact of sports to show what fitness is all about, we’ll have an impact on overall wellness for families and fans alike.”

“Stayhealthy is proud to partner with Herb Dean,” according to John Collins, Stayhealthy CEO. “He’s brought together a winning team of professional fighters who care and want to make a difference. We are building a unique, cross-platform campaign that is a great way to support fighters’ health initiatives and charities – and at the same time, to engage and educate their fans about how to stay healthy.”

Herb Dean is a former mixed martial artist and a noted referee who has been an official in over 5700 MMA matches. He has also won Fighters Only Magazine’s Referee of the Year Award five times.

“Fighters for Health” will launch with a health achievement competition that will enable winners to meet their favorite fighters.

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Eric Kowal
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