Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

4 Reasons Why People Decide to Practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Taking up martial arts is one of the best decisions you can make. This life-changing endeavor comes with a wide array of benefits and possibilities. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a combat sport and a form of martial arts. It is primarily rooted in ground fighting, along with submission holds.

This art is mainly concerned with a person’s skill when it comes to taking the adversary to the ground and forcing them into submission, rather than controlling them. Learning BJJ can benefit you in numerous ways. Here are 4 reasons why people decide to practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and why you should too.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

1.  It Can Get You in Shape

Many people don’t enjoy hitting the gym even when they’re keen on working out. Weightlifting and using exercise machines are not everyone’s cup of tea, especially for those who prefer interactive activities. If you’re one of those people, you should consider taking up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This sport will help increase your cardio endurance as both your anaerobic and aerobic systems are involved. This art relies on the engagement of various muscle groups, which sculpt and tone your body.

This cardio workout can also help you lose weight if you pair it with a healthy and balanced diet. If you’re a beginner, your instructor should take it slow and start showing you the ropes to BJJ. The more you advance, the more techniques you will learn. You will feel your body grow stronger in the process. This martial art will improve your core strength and enhance your posture and stance.

2.  It Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem

BJJ can feel impossible to master, at least in the beginning. Many people worry about appearing silly and incompetent when they watch more experienced practitioners. However, you will soon come to discover that focus, dedication, and persistence are the keys to quick and steady progress. This discipline, according to Manassas BJJ instructors, teaches you to control your thoughts and behaviors so you overcome challenges. This is one of the most valuable lessons you’ll learn in life.

It’s a quality that will do wonders for your self-esteem. Not to mention that learning proper methods of self-defense and being able to effectively fight larger and stronger people serves as an incredible confidence-booster. Learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu will teach you to trust your ability and believe in yourself.

3.  It Gives You Courage

Learning anything new from scratch can be a discouraging experience. There is nothing scarier than the thought of taking up a new sport or craft just to find out that you’re not good at it. However, when you push through that fear of failure, you’ll watch yourself improve in many aspects of life as you continue practicing BJJ. If you can master BJJ, you can undoubtedly conquer anything else.

4.  It Helps Relieve Stress

Living in today’s fast-paced world can get very taxing. Packed schedules and daily routines leave no room for a healthy outlet for stress. BJJ will offer a temporary escape from your overwhelming responsibilities as it will give you the chance to redirect your focus and energy toward something else.


BJJ is a very dynamic and vigorous martial art that can be of great help in various situations in life. Most importantly, it serves as a great workout and can help keep you in shape. Learning this discipline will improve your self-esteem and give you the confidence boost you’ve been needing. It will also make you more courageous and provide a healthy means of stress relief.

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