Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc announces return to competition, first fight since 2017
Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc, 33, has announced her return to professional mixed martial arts competition after not having competed since 2017.
According to a social media post, Nicdali will compete once again with Combate Global on July 16. An opponent has not yet been named.
“Guess what? I have decided to fight MMA professionally again! I plan on fighting for 3 or more years.
When? July 16th, 2023
Promotion? @combateglobal
Where? Miami, Florida
Even thou I’m Mexican American, I will proudly be representing my adopted country USA.
If you want to more details stayed tuned here and @combateglobal
If you are my Friend/Fan/family/Familiar share this post to your story bc you want to support my journey as a martial artist and this is the ultimate test of all my knowledge.
“I want to thank my head coach @workinonmysavage your time and knowledge is irreplaceable and invaluable. Thank you @bryceharley for coaching me and training with me. Thank you @mairamazarmma for all your training equity you’re my right hand woman in this MMA game. BIG thank you to all the places I train @xcmma @westcoastmma @10ptucson
In two weeks I’ll finally be fighting MMA again and I’m so thankful for everyone that has helped make this dream come true.
#mmagirls #kickboxing #jiujitsugirls #mixedmartialarts #msmexica #miami #fighter #lover #nicdali #nicdalisfaniliar”
View this post on Instagram
“Night Queen” Rivera-Calanoc hosts a pro MMA record of 9-10 which dates back to 2006. She is considered a pioneer of women’s MMA and fought on the very first Invicta Fighting Championships card in 2012.
Aside from being a Professional mixed martial artist, Nicdali is also a stuntwoman, model, coach, pinup model, author and creator of Ms. Mexica comic universe.