The superstitions which the casino players believe in
For ages, people used to go to land based casinos and try their luck in gambling. Most people used to come back home after suffering losses while few used to come back home with a smile after winning the game. But the fact is that almost everybody wants to win their luck at the casinos. Now with the advent of the Internet, the concept of gambling has shifted to online. We all know that the Internet has penetrated in millions of homes across the world and this has led to more people getting shifted to online casinos for gambling. People started liking playing the online games and do gambling from the comfort of their home. This trend increased more during the lockdown which we saw last year to stop the spread of the Covid pandemic.
To keep up with the trend, many land based casinos have also opened up their website so that their regular players can gamble from the comfort of their home. After all, nobody wants to see their customers getting shifted to other casinos. Many small casinos have also come up in the market and they try to attract new players by giving various lucrative offers. But all of them are not genuine and some of them have developed a bad reputation by duping away the money of the gamers. So, you will have to choose a reputed online casino site like fun88 which is genuine and you can rely on their payment.
A strange thing is that just to ensure their winning luck, many people believe in various types of superstition and this has been going on for ages. In this article, we will discuss about certain superstitions which many gamblers practice even now before they start doing gambling. They believe that they will reduce their luck of losing in the game. It is quite obvious that when there is luck involved, superstition is bound to exist.
Walk under a ladder or a broken mirror
If you suddenly found that the mirror in your wall is broken, gamblers believe that it is going to bring in bad luck for seven years. The only way to reverse this bad luck is to bring back the pieces together and join them without water so that you never see your reflection there. This is a very strange superstition as many of us have often gone through broken mirror and have never faced any bad luck. But this superstition has been going on in Las Vegas for years and nowadays, even the online gamblers have started believing in them.
Another superstition which originated many years back in Las Vegas is walking under a ladder. If you walk under a big ladder, it may bring in bad luck to you and it may lead to losing regularly in the game of gambling. The only way to cut off this bad luck is keeping your fingers crossed when you are walking under the ladder. This superstition is even now maintained by the both land based and online gamblers who are regular to the world of gambling. The fact of relief is that in very few homes, there exists a big ladder. Hence when you are doing betting online, you can be safe from this superstition.
Knocking on a wood
This superstition is very unique which states that you can receive a lot of good luck if you knock on the wood. From the early ages, there was a belief that trees have positive spirit and if you touch them, you will be able to get a lot of positive energy. The belief was further established by the Fathers of the Catholic Church by the saying that by touching the wood you will be able to eliminate a lot of bad luck in your life. The logic behind this concept is that since Jesus Christ was hanged on the wooden cruise, touching a piece of wood is bound to bring back the positive energy from it. Since Jesus Christ was hanged on the wooden cruise, all good energies of the world exist within the wood. So, if you touch a piece of wood before starting the gambling or betting process, chances are very high that you will be able to win in the game of luck. These facts are not true in a logical mind, but we know after all it is a superstition.
The Foot of the Lucky Rabbit
This is an infamous and famous object. The superstition is so intense that around 10 million items of it are sold in the US alone. People are of the belief that if you own a rabbit foot, it will rain in a lot of fortune on the person who is having it in their home. It has to be a two legged rabbit as a rabbit with a single leg may bring in a lot of bad luck to the life of the gambler. If one leg of the rabbit is broken, order a new one as the former will ensure a series of defeat in the game of gambling.
This belief originated in the continent of Africa where rabbit was considered to be an animal of fortune and fertility. Carrying a limb of rabbit was considered to be very lucky those days. But civilization progressed, the act was considered to be too barbaric. Hence when the concept became popular in the USA, people used to use rabbit foot instead of their limbs. Replica of rabbit foot was made and as a symbol, people started keeping them at home. Gamblers still now have a lot of faith in this system and most gamblers prefer to keep one at home to bring fortune in gambling.
Fear the number 13
People in general are very much fearful of the number 13 and it has been extended to the gamblers as well. In many places and also in case of events, people use to avoid the number 13 as it has been marked as a day of bad luck. So, many gamblers avoid playing on the date of 13th.