MMA on Ice – Legislative bill 635 to bring new sanctioned combat sports to Nebraska
If you are a combat sports fan, you’ve probably seen video of some wonky fights that you just can’t imagine being sanctioned by a U.S.-based athletic commission. Well, if Nebraska State Senator Ben Hansen gets his way, mixed martial arts fans will soon be treated to the likes of “MMA on Ice.”
That’s right – MMA on Ice.
“In essence, competitors will be in full hockey gear, with the exception of MMA gloves instead of hockey gloves…” Hansen said as he briefed legislative bill 635 before the General Affairs committee on Monday. “The bout consists of 2-minute rounds, with a 30-second overtime in the case of a draw. In the case of a knockdown, a competitor will receive a 10 count to get themselves back up to a standing position. It’s very similar to boxing, except they’re wearing ice skates, and they’re dressed in hockey gear.”
According to a report for KLIN Radio, the proposed bill also includes adding professional bare-knuckle mixed martial arts (MMA), amateur kickboxing, muay thai, and slap fighting to the approved list of sanctioned sports in Nebraska.
“The combat sporting events regulated by the Athletic Commission usually host thousands of people in the stands, with many more watching on pay per view,” said Hansen. “So far, these events have been held in Omaha, Lincoln, North Platte, Kearney, Scotts Bluff, South, Sioux City and other cities, profiting the economy and bringing revenue to both the state and local businesses.”
Currently, Aaron Hendry is the State’s Athletic Commissioner, and would have oversight of the sport if approved.