Jabs and Jams #2: Music Fighters Train To
MMA fighters are always going full bore with arduous training. Motivation can fluctuate on a day-to-day basis but music is a sure-fire means to conjure up those feelings. The fuel to push through those last few reps, that last 100 meters of your run, or that last sparring session of the day. These euphoric feelings can come from genres of all types and fighters sure train to some eclectic tunes. This is Jabs and Jams: Music Fighters Train To.
Music Fighters Train To
Georgi Karakhanyan
“First I went to a Deftones concert. I hung out with them, smoked with them, we had a good conversation…. I kicked it with them. Recently I went to a Metallica concert which was really cool. I just like to have a good time, man.”
Henry Corrales
“The music I listen to, I listen to in my car before I get to the gym because it’s not very PC. It’s fuckin’ some crazy-ass underground hip hop. What I grew up in…I’ve been stuck on this album since I was like 15, dude. It’s Jedi Mind Tricks Violent By Design. Fuckin’ brutal. It’s almost like watching a horror movie. You’re like ‘dude, I shouldn’t be listening to this.’ But then again I shouldn’t be fighting another human in a cage so it’s like fuck it.”
Chris Honeycutt
“When I’m jumping rope or hitting speed bag or hitting a double limb bag and I’ve got the headphones on, I typically listen to high pace techno. Or hard rock or something. Something that keeps the high pace mentality because I feel like it speeds your heart rate up.”
Cody Krahn
“I think metal and hip hop have probably been my two biggest lately…Thy Art is Murder, they have a new album out. I’ll throw on a lot of Run The Jewels actually”
Music Fighters Train To. Transcriptions courtesy of Bowks Talking Bouts