Keeman Diop on Kentucky Hempworks CBD and Glory Kickboxing

Keemaan Diop on Kentucky Hemp Works CBD and Glory Kickboxing

It seems as if the newest breakthrough for fighters and recovery has been CBD (Cannabidiol). A compound in the marijuana plant that reduces muscle inflammation, helps relieve anxiety/stress and the list goes on. Since it’s nationwide legalization, fighters have been jumping on the CBD wagon for their training recovery needs.

Kentucky Hemp Works has been fantastic in providing a multitude of MMA fighters these amazing products for some time with sponsored athletes such as Lateesha “The Honey Badger” Mohl and several others. Recently signed Glory Kickboxing fighter, Keemaan Diop is also the newest sponsored fighter to the Kentucky Hemp Works family.

Having linked with the owners of The CBD specialist company, Diop has stated the “family feeling” he gets from working with the brand and is excited about the products he’s now utilizing when he never truly understood the beneficial properties of the cannabis plant, previously.

This all goes coinciding with the news that Diop was recently offered a fight in February with Glory Kickboxing; Any strikers dream promotion to put their skills on display. A shot Diop doesn’t plan to let slip through the cracks.

Tune in below as Keemaan Diop goes one on one in this exclusive with MyMMAnews’ own, Adam Crist! Enjoy!


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Adam Crist
Currently studying Broadcast Journalism at Wilmington University, Adam’s passion for the sport only grows stronger when a fighter’s voice can be heard. He thrives on asking detailed questions to inspire the thoughts behind the punches in hopes that each fighter can find their proper justice. Specializing in pre and post fight interviews for MyMMANews, Adam strives to keep the fight fans up to speed with the most recent and authentic MMA news possible. He is Co-promoter of Delaware’s premier kick-boxing and Muay Thai organization, IBF Promotions. Recently he has also accompanied MMA organizations Global Proving Ground and XCC as Co-host and ringside commentator.