MMA Fighters with College Degrees
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is one of the most dangerous sports in the world. Thanks to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) franchise, it has become a popular sport. It attracts fighters from different backgrounds. Most fans know of their favorite MMA fighter but getting to know their backgrounds can reveal surprising details.
Some fighters not only studied martial arts, but they are holders of degree majoring in subjects that may surprise you. These well-educated and fearless fighters are successful on and off the ring. You can buy custom essay papers to study on them some more. Here are a few of them:
Jeff Monson
Jeff Monson is a man of many talents. Also known as “The Snowman” due to his unrelenting fighting technique, Jeff has won many heavyweight championships since debuted in 1997. Many people do not know that he holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Psychology.
He worked as a mental health profession specializing in child and family counseling as well as crisis evaluation. He quit later on to concentrate on his mixed martial arts career. He considers himself an anarchist and pleaded guilty to charges of painting the pillars of a federal building.
Shane Carwin
Not many mixed martial arts fighter have a degree, yet Shane or “The Engineer”, as he is commonly known, holds two. He got a bachelor’s degree from Western State College in Environmental Technology as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines.
He has an equally notable resume in sporting. He won his first eight fights by defeating his opponents in the first round. Before joining the UFC, he was the Ring of Fire heavyweight champion. He continues to work as an engineer while pursuing his MMA career in the UFC.
Sam Hoger
Sam Hoger rose to fame when he participated in the UFC-backed TV series called “The Ultimate Fighter”. Despite his unpopularity on the show, the UFC signed him. Before coming on the show, Sam Hoger earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Louisiana State University where he founded a Brazilian jiu-jitsu club. Later, he went to St. Ambrose College where he earned a Master’s in Business Administration.
Rosi Sexton
Sexton has one of the best records in MMA fighting. In her career spanning over ten years, she has 13 wins from 15 MMA fights. The Unified Women’s MMA ranks her as the third best in her category. Her academic resume is more impressive.
In 1998, she attained a degree in Mathematics from the prestigious Trinity College. In 2003, she attended the University of Manchester and got a PhD in Theoretical Computer Science. She continued to Oxford Brookes University and received a degree in Osteopathy in 2010.
Terry Martin
He began his MMA career in 2002 and amassed notable wins during that time. He defeated big-name fighters like Jorge Rivera, Chael Sonnen and Ivan Salaverry. He almost died in1996 after getting shot in his legs, back and chest during a drive-by shooting.
The incidence prompted him to turn his focus to education and away from gangs. He attained a master’s in Clinical Psychology and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Later, he joined the Adler School of Psychology to get his doctorate.
It can be rare to associate hardcore fighters with excellence in the academic field. The fighters mentioned here prove that the stereotype is baseless. They are successful in both area of their careers.