Jiu-jitsu On The Go
MYMMANEWS Merchandise Review: Jiu-Jitsu On The Go Online
Learning Jiu-jitsu online has become a popular resource, enabling grappling students’ access to a collection of innovative and concrete techniques from many of today’s world-class Brazilian Jiu-jitsu personalities. With over 22 years of experience, third-degree Gracie Jiu-jitsu Black belt, Steve Hordinski has composed an unexplored efficient grappling system that has aided many of his pupils. Now sharing his knowledge unto an online platform, Hordinski “Jiu-jitsu On the Go” offers a simple and effective approach in learning and applying jiu-jitsu.
As a customer subscribing to an online jiu-jitsu training program, three substances make a standout learning platform; In Website Organization, Instruction, and Social Engagement. Reviewing “Jiu-jitsu On the Go,” the website substantially covers these sectors, thus providing a helpful and interactive experience for the user.
Website Organization: The organization of a Jiu-jitsu Instructional website is imperative for assuring a convenient flow for the user, navigating through the contents of video techniques. “Jiu-jitsu On the Go” has a fundamental structure in the organization of their website, which makes the material easy to locate, analyze, and revisit.
Clicking on the “BROWSE” section will direct the user to a sector of various positions, each with their own set of techniques, covering both offense and defense, taught by Professor Hordinski. Also, seeing as the company is new unto the online instructional scene, one can greatly appreciate that there are currently not many techniques featured on “Jiu-Jitsu On the Go.” Less is more, as one will not be overloaded with an abundance of techniques to study. This factor aids the student in retaining the knowledge and information toward perfecting one’s skills in that area of their game.
Instruction: Professor Steve Hordinski highly showcases twenty-two years of constructing his grappling system in his “Jiu-jitsu On the Go” online lessons. A typical video technique on the site is composed of a brief intro, followed by step by step guideline of how to perform the technique, and concluding with a small live demonstration of the move in action. The video lesson setup aims in not only showcasing the effectiveness of the movement but also gives the subscriber the ability to retain the information in hopes of applying what they’ve learned in their next practice session.
Another highlight of JJOTG is the selection of techniques that were chosen to be featured on the website. As jiu-jitsu fans, we all marvel the innovative, creative, and unorthodox techniques performed by our favorite jiu-jitsu athletes. Aware of fan’s infatuation instructors will openly teach these popular techniques to their online audience. However, specific techniques only work for a particular group of people leaving many others exempt in benefiting from the knowledge that is being passed on. The techniques featured on “Jiu-jitsu On The Go” are moves that can be quickly learned and also used by everyone, no matter the weight class, belt rank, or skill set. The part that is most interesting about the techniques is they are simple moves, ingrained with a heavy emphasis on control, griping, neutralizing, and attacking. Without these previously mentioned elements, there is no foundation toward evolving and developing one’s jiu-jitsu, as Professor Hordinski aims to drill and open those concepts to his viewers.
Social Engagement: Feedback and interaction are crucial in building a relationship. Yes, one’s online learning experience may prove to be a success. However, there is also a downside. When learning a technique in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, there are always curiosities that conjure in a student’s mind that he/she may need to seek answers in better understanding the material. Unfortunately, many online instructors don’t provide nor have the time to assist their constituents, because of their hectic schedule, leaving subscribers stagnant with no proper guidance in their online training.
Steve Hordinski’s and “Jiu-jitsu On the Go” major advantage lies in their eagerness and availability in assisting online students. JJOTG forum and comment section leave the floor open for all questions and feedback, which is promptly answered by Professor Steve Hordinski himself. Also, “Jiu-jitsu On the Go” has a Facebook page and weekly live Facebook stream videos by Hordinski that not only gives users more training options but also seems to be focusing on building a community of friends that have a passion and love for Jiu-jitsu.
The Wait for More: Still at its early inception, “Jiu-jitsu On the Go” has already laid out the groundwork in providing top online jiu-jitsu instructional service to the community. As the website continues to flourish, we as students look forward to seeing more great instruction from Professor Hordinski and also more interactive options to continue to build the JJOTG online family. Overall, “Jiu-jitsu On the Go” is made for all that is guaranteed to help one unlock their maximum potential.
Website: https://www.jiujitsuonthego.com/
Monthly Charge: $ 9.99 after 7 Day Free Trial
Available Formats: Mobile-Friendly Website, ISO App, Android App (Coming Soon)
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialProfSteve/