The training involved in becoming an MMA fighter
Have you ever found yourself wondering about the training needed to become an MMA fighter? Maybe you are wondering how much training it takes to be a successful MMA fighter to help you decide who to bet on? Or perhaps you are just curious? Whatever your reason might be, we have the answer for you!
Becoming an MMA fighter takes years of hard work and dedication, teamed with a grueling training program that ensures their success. The harder an MMA fighter trains and performs, the more chances they have of winning. Some people use the training of MMA fighters to determine their betting. Be sure to check out MMA betting with Fanduel.com to see the latest odds!
To help you learn more about the training it takes to become an MMA fighter and place your bets today; we have dived deep to find out exactly what it takes to become a fighter! Keep reading to find out more.
The training involved becoming an MMA fighter.
Let’s get straight into it! When training to become an MMA fighter, there is no set-in-stone age that you need to begin. While many younger fighters start training when they are 15-16 years old, there’s nothing to stop anyone in their twenties or thirties from training. As the sport evolves, we see more and more fighters with a range of ages, so don’t be put off if you are a little older!
18 is the minimum legal age for most promotion companies to sign a fighter, so starting your training before this allows you to hit the ground running straight away and best prepare your body for the fights.
So what do you need to become an MMA fighter? Well, there are a few qualities that you need to make it through the training and succeed. You will need to be mentally tough and have excellent resilience. It takes a lot of hard work to become an MMA fighter, so be prepared to give up your evenings and weekends to training, especially when you have a fight approaching!
You will also want experience in martial arts or any combat sport. A solid blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) or 2-3 years experience in Muay Thai, kickboxing, or additional knowledge of traditional martial arts is beneficial too. Your size and strength will also matter and determine the weight category that you compete in. alongside training in martial arts; it’s best to include some weight and other cardio training.
You will want to be strong enough to handle and physically move opponents when necessary and have the stamina to continue for the entire fight. Keep an eye out for MMA gyms or classes in your local area that you can attend to learn new skills and increase your fitness levels. You can also attend martial arts classes to earn your belts and continue with your training. Even after achieving your blue belt, it’s best to keep training!
This level of experience will help you become a good amateur MMA fighter. For those wanting to become professional or learn more about their training, keep reading! Professional MMA fighters will undergo 4-5 years of consistent practice and training or be a solid brown belt in BJJ before they are considered good enough to turn pro.
At that point, you might be signed to a major MMA promotion company, like UFC. How long it takes for this to happen does depend on a few factors. Your skills and talent are essential but go hand in hand with ethics and luck. Often, to succeed and speed up the process, you need a good deal of luck to be successful.
For success, you will need to be trained in a range of fighting styles. Having just one fighting style will make you a weaker fighter, as your opponents will know easily how to beat you. You will want to be trained in BJJ, Muay Thai, and wrestling. Many fighters also undertake boxing classes at their local MMA gym.
Former MMA professional fighters often give training, providing valuable insight into the industry, helping you train to be the best you can be. You will also want to engage in strength and conditioning training and pay attention to your diet.
This can take a lot of work, and we see professional fighters spending up to six hours in the gym six days a week. It’s a lot of work and training to be an MMA fighter, but once you reach your goals, it’s worth it!
Final word
And there you have it, the training involved in becoming an MMA fighter! As you can see, there’s lots of training required, with plenty of hard work and determination needed to be successful. Whether you use this to influence your training or help bet on MMA fighters, we hope you found it useful!
Remember when betting to only place your bets on registered and certified sites with a good reputation. Only bet what you can afford and take regular breaks to prevent spending more than you should.