Gabi Garcia Shoot Boxing fight ends in no-contest after illegal soccer kick

Gabi Garcia Shoot Boxing fight ends in no-contest after illegal soccer kick

The Shoot Boxing Girl’s S-Cup 2017 was held at the TDC Hall in Tokyo, Japan, earlier today when Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ace and RIZIN FF competitor Gabi Garcia faced a much smaller opponent in Megumi Yabushita.

During the course of the brief fight, Yabushita was knocked down and Garcia went to throw a kick that would have landed to the legs if her opponent had immediately popped back up as expected. Instead Yabushita was still grounded and the kick was deemed illegal and the fight waved off after Yabushita’s
shoulder appeared to be dislocated and was unable to continue. Garcia was given a Red Card. However, rather than disqualifying Garcia, referee Ryogaku Wada ruled the foul unintentional and declared the fight a No Contest.

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