Jason Miller Facing Years In Prison After Latest Arrest
Jason Miller was recently arrested again and this time he could be facing years in prison for multiple felony charges. His arrest happened on the 10th of September where a woman called police asking for help with Miller who had become violent. Police said when they arrived the woman had marks around her neck and had escaped through a window from Miller.
Jason Miller allegedly locked himself in a bathroom when police had arrived and refused to let them in. Police then kicked in the door and Miller resisted arrest leading to officers tasing him to subdue Miller. Bail for Miller has been set at $1.385 million due to his past history.
After his release from prison, Miller went on Ariel Helwani’s show and said he was doing okay and in a better place. Unfortunately that seemed to not be the case. A week before his recent arrest, Miller reportedly put someone in the hospital after an altercation at a bar. That did not lead to an arrest.
Jason Miller and Past Legal Issues
Miller’s past legal issues could have him looking at years in prison after his most recent arrest. In 2020, Miller was sentenced to 364 days in prison after accepting a plea deal for burglary and grand theft auto.
In 2018, Jason Miller was convicted of vandalism after he and his then-girlfriend got into an argument. Miller then went on a rampage destroying the house, ripping doors out the frame and punching holes in the walls. He faced up to 23 years in prison but his plea deal put him in jail for only a year.
Going through Miller’s rap sheet is quite depressing. There are a litany of battery charges, wrongful imprisonment, DUI and more. It’s clear that Jason Miller is sick and needs help. With all of these past charges, it’s likely that Miller will be locked up for several years. Hopefully Miller and his close support system will get him the help he needs.