Sammy Jo Luxton, sepsis

Sammy Jo Luxton hospitalized with sepsis, out of PFL Europe tournament

Rising star Sammy Jo Luxton (2-0) was to compete on the PFL Europe 2 fight card this weekend but instead is forced to withdraw after being hospitalized with sepsis.

“Should be fight week… instead I’m in hospital with sepsis, £100k down, being given unseasoned chicken for dinner” she wrote on social media.

Sepsis is a serious condition in which the body responds improperly to an infection. The infection-fighting processes turn on the body, causing the organs to work poorly. Sepsis may progress to septic shock. This is a dramatic drop in blood pressure that can damage the lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs.

Luxton was to meet Lizzy Gevers (3-1) on June 8 in Newcastle, England. No word on a replacement fight has been announced at this time.

Luxton, a Muay Thai and MMA fighter hailing from Devon, England, and social media influencer, recently struggled with a cancer battle as well.

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