
How Long to Recover from Liposuction?

With any surgery that you undergo, there is a recovery period. It doesn’t matter how minor or major the procedure will be; there will still be aftercare to think about, which is important for patients to understand. The aftercare and recovery process will be what helps to determine how positive your results are, and how quickly you can get back to your everyday life.

For those who may be considering liposuction surgery (source:, the aftercare and recovery is a huge part of the overall process. It’s not to be taken lightly and does include a number of important factors. But exactly how long can you expect the recovery to last? Let’s take a closer look at what recovery entails, as well as the timeline.

The Immediate Recovery Process

The recovery process for liposuction can really be divided into a few different parts. In the immediate days following the procedure, it’s very normal to feel a mild amount of pain and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication that is prescribed by the doctor. Also, you’ll likely experience bruising, tenderness, pain, and swelling in the area that was addressed during the surgery.

The initial swelling typically takes around two weeks to go down. That doesn’t mean the swelling is completely gone and you’re back to normal; it’s just the main swelling that will go down. In order for that area to be completely free of swelling, you are looking at four to six weeks, depending on your recovery process.

In order to help bring down the swelling, you may also need to wear a compression garment. These will aid in the recovery process, so it’s important to listen to the doctor and wear it as directed.

Returning to Work

The top question that people tend to have is when they will be okay to return to work. Again, it’s all personal and depends on your actual surgery and how fast you heal, but in general, it’s normal to return to light work after a few days.

Avoid All Strenuous Activities Until Cleared

While everyday life may only take a few days to get back to, that doesn’t mean all is back to normal. You’ll need to avoid all strenuous types of activities for a few weeks until you are cleared by your doctor. These include things like weight lifting, biking, aerobics, jogging, and even just lifting everyday items.

What Activities Can You Do?

Strenuous activities will be a no-no, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything – on the contrary. One of the best activities to do during the recovery process is to take up walking. Walking is considered low impact and you can set your own pace. Start out slow and just go a short distance. Over the days and weeks, you’ll be able to increase both the pace and distance. Walking is excellent for blood flow, which can aid in recovery.

Resting Will Be an Important Part of Recovery

Another important aspect of your recovery process is resting. This is more important during those first few weeks. It’s very normal to feel tired after having major surgery, and resting is your body’s opportunity to heal and get stronger. This means getting enough sleep each night and even taking naps during the day when needed and if possible. You’ll start to get your energy back over time.

What About the Incision Care?

At the site of your liposuction, there will also be an incision which will require aftercare. For those with staples or stitches, the doctor will need to remove them after the specified amount of time. You may initially have surgical tape on the area to protect it, but this is usually fine to remove after a week or so. Be sure to also ask the doctor about showering after the procedure. It’s normal to be told to keep the area dry for the first 24-48 hours.

Things Take Off at the Six Week Mark

In general, you can expect recovery to really take off at the six-week mark. At this point, all swelling should be gone. You should be feeling pretty good and pain-free, you’ll be able to see the full results, and you can probably go back to your normal activities at this point. Of course, all of this will need to be determined by your doctor at your check-up.

Remember, six weeks is the average length of time for a full recovery, but it’s not set in stone. The last thing you want to do is push your recovery and try to speed it up, as this can set you back in a big way.

The recovery process for liposuction is truly a journey. It is a steady process that gets a little better and smoother each day, and will be followed closely by your doctor to ensure all is well.

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