4 Common Steroid Abuse Signs And Symptoms
The below article on steroid abuse written by Allen Brown
There are a number of symptoms that will indicate if someone has been abusing steroids. If you are thinking that someone is abusing this drug, you should start looking for these symptoms that we will cover in this article. So, keep reading to find out what to do.
1. Rapid weight gain
When you abuse steroids, it means you are increasing the levels of testosterone in your body. This will cause an increase in muscle mass, so they will have a harder time gaining weight. This means that you will have to look for someone who is changing their weight really quickly, which often happens when people consume this type of drug. You can also get more information at Help4Addiction UK if you are looking for a professional to help your situation. Weight gain as a symptom is a common sign of steroid abuse. If you notice changes in the weight of a person, this may be a good indicator that they have been abusing steroids.
2. Mood swings and irritability
As a person abuses steroids, they will have changes in their mood. Someone who is taking these drugs might be really irritable and angry all the time. They might also show signs of aggression. If you notice that someone has been acting this way for some time, then they could be using steroids. In addition to this, you will also see them getting mad at small things and even breaking stuff around the house because of anger issues, which is another indicator of steroid abuse. It is important to know that even though this drug will make you stronger and more active, it can also cause mood swings. So, if someone is acting this way, it might be a sign of steroid abuse.
3. Aggressiveness
Just like with mood swings, a person abusing steroids will show more aggression than usual. They might behave aggressively without a good reason sometimes, and also want to fight all the time when there’s no clear motivation behind it. This behavior can bring a lot of problems, so it is essential to look for this symptom when you think someone might be abusing steroids. They could also have a hard time controlling their anger, which will make them even more aggressive. It is critical to understand that this drug can cause a lot of side effects and not paying attention to them could be dangerous.
4. Baldness and acne
For example, a person using steroids might experience balding in a few months after they start using the drug or get big breakouts on their skin that won’t go away easily with usual treatments. It is because the steroid will cause changes in their hormones, which can lead to bigger issues like losing your hair or getting bad skin issues like acne or rosacea. These side effects will usually occur if you take this drug for several months and at high doses, but there are cases where people have these symptoms after using it for only a short amount of time. So, it is crucial to be aware of them and if you notice a person is experiencing them, you should look for other symptoms of steroid abuse.
Steroid abuse can be dangerous if not taken correctly, or if someone does not supervise themselves while taking it. There are more serious symptoms that will tell you if this drug is being abused, so it is important to look for them as well. If you notice someone experiencing any of these symptoms, you should look for other signs that might point to steroid abuse and help them as much as you can.