Can McGregor Ever Reclaim the UFC Lightweight Title?
Conor McGregor might be one of the most popular UFC champions and fighters in the modern era. For a long time, he was among the highest paid athletes in the world. During the height of his career, in 2015, UFC fans could not escape him. And he certainly earned his stripes. His infamous winning streak in 2015/16 earned him international acclaim and his boxing match against champion Floyd Mayweather is one of the most bought and viewed events in the history of both boxing and UFC.
However, since his winning streak and match against Mayweather, McGregor has fallen off in terms of success. Prompting many to ask the question, can he ever reclaim the title? In this article, we are going to take a look at what fans and experts think on the topic, and attempt to answer the question.
McGregor’s Success
McGregor’s international success came in late 2015 and 2016. This was the time when the larger-than-life fighter could seemingly do no wrong. He was a draw off-stage as well as in the ring. With his boisterous personality he would draw in huge crowds before a match, and then he would show off his skill and strength in the ring, often times KO-ing his opponent in a single hit. It is little surprise that Conor was such a huge draw at online live betting sites, as he managed to combine the performance of a world class entertainer, with the martial capabilities of a world class fighter. Soon enough, he held the UFC lightweight title, and nobody could possibly say that he didn’t earn it.
This success as both a showman and a fighter netted him one of the highest profile matches of the decade. Floyd Mayweather had just earned the boxing title, and had become one of the top most recognizable athletes in the world of combat sports. It was only a matter of time before the two met in the ring.
The long awaited match came in 2017, when the combatants went toe-to-toe, in one of the most exciting matches of the 21st century. Predictably, Conor McGregor lost the match, but both fighters went home with a bag-full of money, having satisfied their fans.
Since that fight, however, Conor McGregor has not been doing all that well on the scene. He went a few months without fighting at all, and upon his return, he hasn’t performed all that well. Begging the question…
Can he Reclaim his Glory?
There are quite a few fans who are still on Conor McGregor side. After all, he is still a very skilled fighter and while he is not as boisterous as he once was, the man still retains a degree of showmanship that just wins you over to his side. But the whim of the fans is not what drives these competitions. The question is, does Conor McGregor still have what it takes to reach the top?
Quite a few people seem to think so. Sports analyst, Michael Bisping said earlier this year that Conor McGregor has a change of taking out Charles Oliveira in an attempt to win the title. This statement has caused debate and has gotten quite a few fans of both fighters excited for a possible upcoming match.