Racheal Blaze fighting for her life, bringing voice to implant awareness
Racheal Blaze loves mixed martial arts. She’s been involved in the sport for years and has held many roles. I met her years ago and became friends when I was a guest when she was with Cageside Submissions podcast.
Back when Racheal was younger, she took some bad advice as she was trying to break into the modeling world. She got saline breast implants that she was told were approved by the FDA and felt safe getting the surgery to enhance her body and career. It is a decision that she now greatly regrets. After fighting her health constantly and going through test after test, she finally found out what was the cause of her many health issues. The implants that were inserted had become a problem. She is going to need to have them removed to start the healing process and will have to hope that the doctors can clean out any damage that they have created.
Racheal has partnered with Grunt Style to create a bad-ass t-shirt that can now be purchased as part of a fundraising campaign to help her with the escalating medical bills and future surgery. Please listen to our interview below. Racheal would like her message on implant awareness to get out to the young people everywhere to convince them to stay natural and not take the same risk that she did. Don’t forget to click on the link and order your shirt. You could be helping save Rachael’s life.