“The Outlaw” Sean George on Dan Chapman: “I think he’ll retire on his stool”
On Thursday, July 3rd, England-based BKB returns to the O2 Arena in London to host the long-awaited grudge match between “The Outlaw” Sean George and Dan Chapman who will be headlining BKB 21.
Following a decisive win over Dean “Smudger” Smith, George returns to the BKB ring to continue cementing his name amongst the best and elite in Bare Knuckle Boxing History books.
George and Chapman have been on a crash course to ultimately face each other on several occasions. With their upcoming bout being the third attempt at booking this matchup, Chapman hasn’t shied always from aiming for George’s personal life in past interviews leading up to the bout. “He didn’t know nothing about my personal life, so he made it personal, and I’ll just keep it personal,” George had to say about the rivalry. “There’s not many opponents I had a bit of bad blood with but this one (Chapman), he says. “I respect him as a fighter. I’ll always respect him as a fighter, (all) my opponents. But he’s got to earn my respect out of the ring now, doesn’t he?”
“He’s good at boxing, amateur boxing,” George credits Chapman. “But he never went pro, so there’s a reason behind that,” George suggests. “This is BKB, bud.” Implying Chapmans inexperience opposed to his, will ultimately be a key factor in this matchup.
Discussing the impending bout, George suggests, “He’s (Chapman) a pretty boy. He’s going want to make me want to miss. Make me pay,” George says. “Sometimes you just got to take a boxer’s fight away from them,” George convincingly states. “It’s going to be tit for tat for the first two”, the Welshman thinks. “He (Chapman) ain’t going to want to commit too much. He’s going to want to stay sharp.” Elaborating, “I’m up for hell from the bell!”
With a great fight camp winding down, all the hard work has been put in. Under two weeks until fight night, George is “just focused now. I’ve got everything on point,” he says. “I think he’ll retire on his stool after round 4 or round 5. He won’t come back out for the later rounds, George predicts. “He’s going to be hurt, his hands are going to be hurt and he’s going to fucking know he’s up against a brick wall!”
Tune in above as “The Outlaw” Sean George joins MyMMANews for this exclusive one-on-one before his impending grudge match with Dan Chapman. He discusses where the beef started. His undying love for bare-knuckle boxing, retiring Chapman on the stool, and much more!