Are Sports Men Worthy Mentors in the Education Sector?
The current time requires people to have at least a simple ability to perform some physical activity. And when kids start to go in for sports for the first time, they usually do that in special clubs. These are great places where children are followed by coaches, but at the same time they learn something new about the sport they have chosen at the club. Even if a kid didn’t play any kind of sports in childhood, he will have physical education at school. That is a kind of class which is often underestimated by students because they find it useless in terms of preparing for the future life and for the jobs that they have chosen. However, we can surely say that those who have such thoughts are definitely wrong, because the knowledge they receive from physical education classes might actually be useful for them in future. There are many stories about how try a new sport at the sports classes, and after that become professionals in one of these new sports. Nevertheless, even without the fact that you can become really good at one of the sports, there are many reasons why you should not skip such classes. But, returning to the actual topic of the essay, we have to talk about people who work to help you to get the best in any sport, no matter if it’s football or fencing. Usually these are teachers who were engaged in some kind of sport before moving to the teaching spots. And in most cases, we can see how sports men perform these tasks, as they are more likely to be listened by students at the class.
We are not going to say that the work they do is pretty difficult, because you don’t have just to teach kids to do something new in their life, but also search for the best of them and offer them to join the clubs if students are doing good enough at some specific kind of sport. And even though kids tend to hate these classes, they usually like to communicate with teachers of sports classes, because those are one of the friendliest people who you are going to find at school. The reason is simple, they are not typical teachers, and they might not even have a degree in teaching, but they are just ex-sports men. And this means they have a huge amount of knowledge in the sports sphere. It also means that they will not only see you as a student, but as a sportsman and somebody who might have some potential to succeed at one of the sports. And sometimes this leads to the fact that children choose a sports career instead of studying something for scientific work. Such kids tend to save their time using some great services that do all the work at school for you, like MBA essay writing service, which gives you free time which you can spend on working on your technique at the volleyball serves, as an example.
Therefore, we can say that we should not underestimate athletes as teachers, because they might not be so good at forming personalities. They simply know how to pass the knowledge about the sports to kids, and that is already enough to be considered worthy mentors. Moreover, with the fact that such a teacher does not perceive students as people who need to be taught, but as the sportsmen, who allow them to have good ties with students. It is always great because in such cases students can trust their teacher of physical education, because they know that they will be given great advice. And that is what teachers will be happy to do. With this fact, we must say that this is what a mentor needs to be like in order for students to listen to him. So, we can say with confidence that we should consider sportsmen as great mentors.
We can also look at the opposite side, which says that we should not look at the athletes as great teachers, because quite often they do not have the right education to somehow change the mindset of the kids.
Of course, that is something that a perfect teacher needs to have, but to be honest, it is pretty impossible to find even in the top-tier teachers with all the possible degrees. Therefore, it should not be so hard for teachers to study P.E. Moreover, we have already proved that they are becoming the best mentors, and kids are willing to listen to them because students starting to feel like they are being listened to. However, that is also a fact that not all teachers are able to give useful hints or tips to their students. So, there is probably no need to say anything against the sportsmen being mentors at schools, since they have nothing to do with incompetence. Moreover, we can’t help but notice that they have a huge baggage of experience in the sports, which almost always excludes possible injuries during practices and games.
To sum all this up, we can say that we should start to look at the P.E teachers as at the normal teachers who are professionals in what they teach kids. Moreover, your new passion can become your new obsession and later it can turn into your profession.