
UFC Fight Night Liverpool Results – UFC Fight Night 130
The UFC holds a rare Sunday morning/afternoon fight card today as UFC Fight Night 130 takes place in Liverpool, England. Main event fighter Darren Till came in heavy yesterday for his welterweight contest against former UFC welterweight title contender Stephen ‘Wonderboy’ Thompson.
The UFC Fight Night Liverpool card begins at 10:30 a.m. EST here in the United States and can be seen on UFC Fight Pass. The card then switches to FS 1.
Complete UFC Fight Night Liverpool results below:
UFC Fight Pass Preliminary Card
185 lbs.: Trevor Smith vs. Elias Theodorou
Elias and Trevor clinch up. Against the fence we Elias land a nice knee and under 90 secs they clinch up again. Elias controls w a under-hook now pummeling punches on Trevor’s ribs. Trevor lands body shots of his own but eats a knee. Both are still in the clinch with under 30 seconds to go. Elias puts together a nice combo to end the round. Elias and Trevor start by engaging in the clinch, Elias attempted a takedown but somehow Trevor lands up on top before he scrambled out. Smith lands a knee from the clinch, Smith looks for a takedown but Elias defends well. It seems like Trevor is having success landing more significant strikes in the clinch, he’s grinding Elias out. We see the action halted as Trevor’s mouth guard fell out. Elias fires back with punches of his own which clearly wobble Trevor. Trevor now eating punches from Elias more than he’s attempted to land. Fight is halted as the doctor looks at the nasty cut on Elias but action continues. This round closes with Elias landing a couple of knees from the clinch before him and Trevor separate. Cut on Elias seems to be contained between the rounds. Third round started with Elias throwing leg kicks w confidence, a side kick to midsection followed by a spinning back-fist . Elias keeps distance but Trevor closes in and lands a nice knee from the clinch. This round is equal so far as Trevor seems to be the fresher competitor. Takedown by Trevor sees him scoring well in the round so far. Elias seems to takeover the fight w a 2nd wind with 90 seconds to go as he’s on top controlling Trevor well. Both fighters bring the fight standing, Elias has the clinch lands a couple more knees. Final 20 seconds Smith lands a right elbow on Elias. Round ends.
Final result: Elias Theodorou wins by Unanimous Decision
FOX Sports 1 Preliminary Card
125 lbs.: Molly McCann vs. Gillian Robertson
Gillian and Molly stand and exchange punches from the start. Gillian is backing up a bit as Molly lands a clean right hook. Gillian gets a single leg takedown on Molly. From half-guard Gillian is using a lot of top pressure driving her elbow into the chin and neck of Molly. Gillian gets the full mount when Molly scrambles out. Gillian transitions to the back trying to secure a coke. Gillian is dominating from the top wherever Molly is moving she follows and has full control. Now landing some shots from above she’s riding her back softening her up with shots to end the round. Second round starts and Gillian is able to score a takedown on Molly who’s clearly trying to avoid her getting close. Gillian get’s her hooks in on Molly and goes in for a rear naked choke, there is some resistance from Molly until she passes out.
Final result: Gillian Roberson def. Molly McCann by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) 2:05 2nd R
170 lbs.: Brad Scott vs. Carlo Pedersoli Jr.
Scott comes in with a right and shows a body kick. Pedersoli Jr. is trying to read Scott and landed a nice body kick. Pedersoli Jr. turns to orthodox fro southpaw. Scott using the front kick to the midsection to open Pedersoli Jr. up. Nice spinning kick landed by Pedersoli Jr. to Scott’s head. Scott gets in an outside low kick that lands well. Pedersoli Jr. trying to find the distance, lands a nice punch to him. Scott fires a nice body kick but it’s blocked. Straight Left catches Pedersoli Jr. coming in clean left hook and drops him. Scott lands a knee to the body as the round ends. Second round begins and we see Scott trying to read Pedersoli Jr. who’s throwing some leg kicks and punches that land on him. Pedersoli Jr. is clearly landing the higher volume of strikes now. Pedersoli Jr. gets the confidence and throws a high head kick but it’s blocked. Pedersoli Jr. throws out the body kick and lands a left to follow-up. Pedersoli Jr. is much busier than Scott in this round so far. Pedersoli Jr. lands a takedown off Scott’s jab. Round ends w Pedersoli Jr. on top. Third round we Pedersoli Jr. really confident with his kicks being thrown as he attempted a spinning heel kick that missed. Scott giving Pedersoli Jr. too much space to work, Scott seems hesistant to throw punches. Pedersoli Jr. takes Scott down but Scott able to scramble up using the neck of Pedersoli Jr. for leverage. Pedersoli Jr. clinched up and tries for a takedown but Scott is able to defend and not end up on his back. Fifty seconds to go Scott lands a nice body punch. Pedersoli Jr. elevates Scott with a single leg takedown. Pedersoli Jr. ends the fight on top.
Final result: Carlo Pedersoli Jr. def Brad Scott by Split Decision (28-29,29-28,29-28)
135 lbs.: Lina Lansberg vs. Gina Mazany
Round starts Lansberg catches a body kick from Mazany and uses it to take her down. Lansberg now moves for a body lock but Mazany able to stand up and they are both clinched up. Lansberg keeping Mazany close to the cage as she lands elbows on her, clearly she’s winning the round with a minimal amount offense from the clinch. They seperate and Gina throws a tight elbow but it’s blocked as the round ends. Second round Lansberg again engaes in the clinch with Mazany pushing her up against the cage. Lansberg and Mazany are separated by the referee due to a lack of action. Again Lansberg clinched Mazany against the cage not much action going on. Lansberg lands a nice body kick and Mazany looking tired from the constant clinch work. Lansberg again utilizing the same strategy and she’s succesful with utilizing the clinch and rendering Mazany useless in her offense. Lansberg connects on a big elbow on Mazany from the clinch. Mazany needs to get something going here as she seperates from the clinch and lands a big kick to the body of Lansberg to end the round. Third round starts and now Mazany engages the clinch. Feeling that this is a hard fight to judge I believe Mazany could pull this win off if she wins the round. Boh are standing again and exchange punches. Lansberg utilizes the body kick landing twice with it. Mazany lands a nice spinning back elbow on Lansberg who then clinched up w her. We hear from the corner of Lansberg saying “She’s Done”. Mazany shows no signs of that but she’s clearly losing the round, she attempts some combinations but doesn’t land them. Lansberg is able to get the under-hook on Mazany pushing her up against the cage again. Thirty seconds to go, 48-35 significant strikes favor Lansberg. Fight ends with Lansberg pushing Mazany up against the cage again.
Final result: Lina Lansberg def. Gina Mazany (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
185 lbs.: Tom Breese vs. Daniel Kelly
Kelly any and Breese square up, Kelly tries to establish his leg kick but misses. Breese shows no hesistation throws out the jab and connects. He throws a combination and is successful with it as his confidence is growing. The jab is utilized by Breese well keeping Kelly from finding his range. Breese lands a huge uppercut connects on target to the eye and it has Kelly reeling back to the fence holding his face, Breese smells blood and swarms on him with punches dropping Kelly to the ground and continues raining down strikes until the ref steps in.
Final result: Tom Beese def. Daniel Kelly by TKO (Punches) 3:33 1st R
FOX Sports 1 Main Card
185 lbs.: Eric Spicely vs. Darren Stewart
Stewart and Spicely square off trying to get the range. Spicely using his jab frequently to pressure Stewart but it’s not working. Stewart is very defensive here avoiding most of his strikes. Spicely and Stewart find themselves in a clinch on the fence. Spicely tries to attempt a takedown but Stewart defends. Spicely using leg kicks now to soften up Stewart connects nicely on one. Stewart connects on a left hand, Spicely fires back w a left hook. Stewart is now sporting a cut over the left side his eye. Stewart comes in with a left hook that lands to end the round. Second round starts when Stewart connects with a hard combo on Spicely and drops him. Spicely survies and gets back up. Upon seeing that Spicely wasn’t fully recovered, Stewart connects on a huge left jab and drops Spicely, he swarms on him throwing vicious punches until the referee gets in the way and stops the fight.
Final result: Darren Stewart def. Eric Spicely by TKO (Punches) 1:47 1st R
170 lbs.: Claudio Henrique da Silva vs. Nordine Taleb
Silva lunges in with a left hand and closes distance right away to start the round. Silva keeps throwing punches from distance to threaten Taleb. Taleb is able to find the range throwing a number of punches that land in succession. Silva is able to get a takedown and quickly goes into full mount, from there lands elbows from the top. Silva is able to take Taleb’s back when he spins, from there he gets the hooks in and sinks in the rear naked choke. Silva tightens the choke and with no hand defense from Taleb, gets the tapout.
Final result: Claudio Henrique da Silva def. Nordine Taleb by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) 4:31 1st R
170 lbs.: Makwan Amirkhani vs. Jason Knight
When the fight starts both fighters take the center of the octagon. Amirkhani gets Knight down and from the full guard he throws punches and taunts him. Knight throws a front kick which doesn’t land. Knight lands an inside leg kick. Knight again throws the front kick and lands. Knight drops Amirkhani with an uppercut. Both are up and again we see Amirkhani dropped by Knight for a second time by an uppercut. Knight gets the back of Amirkhani and tries to work in his hooks but Amirkhani defends well and gets back to his feet to end the round. Second round Knight throws out a body kick and lands. Knight isn’t afraid to throw punches while now jawing at his opponent. Both are now exchanging jabs at a steady rate. Knight comes in with a punch but he’s taken down and Amirkhani is able to establish his grappling from there. From the top we see Amirkhani trapped by Knight’s rubber guard and unable to advance. Amirkhani finishes the round on top. Second round starts and Amrikhani finds another takedown on Knight. Again using the rubber guard to contain Amirkhani on the ground. Knight attempts a triangle while Amrikhani is playing in his guard. Amirkhani again finds himself being in the rubber guard of Knight who locks both legs around his neck until the ref stands them up. With two minutes to go Amirkhani grabs the waist of Knight attempts a takedown but Knight slips out. Knight finds himself on his back again after Amirkhani trips him. Amirkhani is now winning on just position, he tries to pass the guard but is unsuccessful as the round ends.
Final result: Makwan Amirkhani def. Jason Knight by Split Decision (29-28 28-29 29-28)
145 lbs.: Arnold Allen vs. Mads Burnell
Allen throws a big combination that lands on Burnell to start things off. Burnell connects on a huge left kick. We see a Body lock by Burnell on Allen as he’s pushing him against the cage while attempting the takedown. Unable to complete the takedown, Burnell just utlizing the cage for pressure. They separate and we see Allen landing a couple of stiff jabs. Burnell is able to take him down for a bit until they are standing again. Allen trips Burnell to score a takedown as the round ends. Second round begins and Burnell is able take Allen down easily, not much action as Burnell being held in the half guard of Allen. Eventually Burnell lands another takedown as Allen is holds him in halfguard. Burnell has the opportunity to work in a few punches, hes’ winning the fight by position only so far. Third round we see more of the same as Burnell gets in position for a single leg and starts working for the takedown, he gets it. Burnell is again pressuring Allen against the change w a single leg attempt. Allen is able to get a front choke hold on Burnell while they’re in the clinch. Allen takes Burnell down from there and locks up the front choke for the tapout.
Final result: Arnold Allen def Mads Burnell by Submission (Front Choke) 2:41 3rd R
170 lbs.: Neil Magny vs. Craig White
White clinches up w Magny holding him by the waist to start. Magny is able clinch up w White. Magny lands an unintentional knee to the lower body of White which halts the action by the ref. White comes in with a looping right hand and then he’s clinched up w Magny again. White who’s being forced against the cage by Magny drops to his knees for a takedown attempt but is unable to get it. Magny is controlling White in the clinch, he lands a huge knee that drops White, Magny then swarms on him with punches until the Ref intercedes and calls the contest.
Final result: Neil Magny def. Craig White by TKO (Knee and Punches) 4:32 1st R
Catchweight.: Stephen Thompson (170lbs) vs. Darren Till (174.5lbs)
Thompson throws a head kick and misses to start things off. Till throws a left kick to the body and it doesn’t come close to landing. They are circling each other while trying to read one another. Till lands a leg kick he feints and then lands a body kick. Right now Thompson is evading the majority of punches thrown by Till. Till and Thompson both circle each other to end the round. Second round we see Till standing his ground when Thompson tries to clinch with him, not giving him any distance. We see Till utilize some lower leg kicks to throw Thompson off. Thompson attempts a head kick but Till avoids him. Till is staying patient and not giving Thompson any room to maneuver. They continue to circle each other, Till is not being aggressive but using his patience wisely looking for an opening. A Spinning head kick is attempted by Thompson but misses Till as the round ends. Second round begins Till clips Thompson by the fence. Till is throwing out his jabs followed by a left hook but Thompson isn’t close enough to feel them. Both fighters and circling each other again and not much action to report. Thompson throws a left and lands it. Thompson has enough room to maneuver and is able to be technical in his attack landing shots at a slower pace. Fight is halted when Thompson lands an inadvertent finger poke in Till’s eye. Till finds his range, he connects on a couple of punches before the round ends. Second round Till finds a straight left on Thompson that connected flush. Thompson is keeping away from Till’s range. Thompson finds himself clinched by Till on the cage for a moment. Thompson is now with his hands down and his lead leg out trying to draw Till in so he can counter. Till comes forward as the round ends. Fifth round starts Thompson throws a body kick and misses then Till throws a spinning body kick and misses. Till lands a right on Thompson’s face later he lands a huge left hook and drops him however Thompson recovers quickly. Till tries to take his back but Thompson escapes and stands up. Thompson gets a quick takedown on Till but he gets up right away. The round ends with confident Till and Thompson staring each other down.
Final result: Darren Till def. Stephen Thompson by Unanimous Decision ((48-47, 49-46, 49-46)