Church - Conor McGregor

Church Pastor Hopes God Kills Conor McGregor – VIDEO

Pastor Donnie Romero of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas is not happy with Conor McGregor’s comments about beating Jesus in a fight.

Donnie Romero: “I’ll tell you what, I’m going to pray that God strikes this guy dead. Do you know why? His name is Conor McGregor. And he’s the UFC featherweight champ, or something like that. He’s on this run of just knocking people out, but you know what? He got up and said Jesus Christ was in the ring with me, I’d knock him out too. And then somebody threw that in his face and said ‘Remember, when you said you would beat up Jesus in the ring?’ And he said ‘me and Jesus are good, you know why? Because Gods recognize other Gods.’

The guy’s a UFC fighter. The guy’s NOTHING. He’s letting money go to his head, he’s got pride. Let me tell you this, the bigger they are they harder they fall my friends. You think about that chick that was the UFC fighter that everybody loved three of four months ago. Everybody was all ‘Ronda, Ronda, Ronda’. When she lost, everybody that was on her side turned against her and ‘I knew it, I knew it.’ Cause that is how the world works. That’s how worldly friends are.

When things are going good, they’re behind you. When things go bad, they’re against you. These people that think that they love these people, it’s all pride, it’s all wickedness, it’s all worldliness. I’m going to pray that God strikes him down with a lightning bolt.

So everybody in the world that believes the Bible, even a little bit, knows that it was God, knows that it was Jesus who stroke him down….”

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