Hexagone MMA to hold event in Roman Theatre of Orange…what’s that?
Hexagone MMA made the announcement that they are holding an event in the Roman Theatre of Orange. The venue is in Orange, France and is known as Théâtre Antique d’Orange to the French. The venue is a 2000-year-old venue built by the Romans and Hexagone is a French promotion that will be going into their tenth event. But what the bell is the Roman Theatre of Orange? What was held there? Well, it seems time for a good ole history lesson!
The Roman Theatre of Orange: The Most Historical MMA Event Ever
The Roman Theater of Orange is by far the best-preserved Roman theater to survive to modern times. The venue was built under the famed Ceasar Augustus in early BC times, although the exact date is not known. The Theatre was a large part of the citizen’s lives in 40 BC and was seen as a distraction by the Roman authorities to keep them away from political activities while spreading Roman culture.
Events lasted all day and there were quite the spectacle and even featured early machinery to wow spectators. All of the entertainment was free of charge to the citizens.
At it’s height, the facade measures over 300 feet long and 121 feet high. Originally the venue had a wooden roof to protect citizens from weather. The capacity was upward of 7300 people.
After the Roman Empire began it’s decline in 4th century AD, the theater was closed in AD 391. The Catholic church opposed it as uncivilized. In the Middle Ages it was used as a defensive post and during the 12th century, the Church began using it for their own religious plays.
Then in 1825 there was a reconstruction, and the Roman Theatre of Orange was brought back to its former glory, now able to house over 10,000 people.
Currently, the Roman Theatre of Orange is mangedd by Culterscapes and is not just used as a historical site but also a venue for concerts and theatrical performances.
Hexagone MMA is holding Hexagone MMA 10 on July 28th. There is no fight card for the event but what we do know is that there will be a cage erected in an ancient Roman structure and they will fight there. What’s not to love?