Leon Edwards on Covington ahead of UFC 296: “Trump can’t fight for him”

Leon Edwards is a bit put off by Colby Covington’s love for former US President Donald Trump. It’s not in the cringe annoying promo type way that most fans see it. Instead, Edwards just doesn’t get Covington’s obsession with the man.

Leon Edwards to Colby Covington: “Go get a girlfriend or something”

To the media the other day, Edwards expressed his puzzlement on Covington’s love of the former president.

“I don’t know, I think the whole scenario is weird,” said Edwards. “That’s what I make of it. I don’t get the fascination with another man, you know? I don’t get it.”

Leon Edwards isn’t denying that Donald Trump isn’t important. It’s more so that Covington seems to be fangirling over Trump that’s off putting.

“I know he used to be the president and stuff, but he’s no longer the president. I don’t get what’s going on. I don’t know. It’s just weird, why he picked him just to be a character off the back of him.”

Colby Covington tried to get Trump to walk out with him come UFC 296. But the UFC brass denied the request despite Trump accepting, likely for safety concerns. If Covington wins, he said Trump will wrap the belt around his waist. Edwards has no qualms about denying that dream for “Chaos.”

“I just don’t get it, and Trump will wrap nothing around his waist because he ain’t getting a belt,” said Edwards. “Trump has been at his fights before when he’s lost. Trump can’t fight for him. He just needs to grow up and go get a girlfriend or something.”

At the end of the day, Edwards is right. Covington will have to go out and fight himself. UFC 296 takes place this Saturday and will feature the welterweight showdown as well as a flyweight title bout between Alexandre Pantoja and Brandon Royval.

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Blaine Henry
Your friendly neighborhood fight fan. I watch way too many fights and my wife lets me know it.