Man, Sport, and Potency - Faster, Higher, Stronger

Man, Sport, and Potency – Faster, Higher, Stronger

The Olympic motto: “Citius, Altius, Fortius!” – that is, faster, higher, stronger – is quite suitable not only for athletes but also for men who are strong, as they say, on the intimate front. But what does athletic performance have to do with success in the sexual sphere?

It turns out that this question occupies not only the owners of a mountain of muscles and gold medals but also biologists and physicians. Numerous studies have led, in general, to the expected results. Exercise, of course, increases potency. This is understandable – the level of health increases, and with it, everything else increases.

Man, Sport, and Potency - Faster, Higher, Stronger

But “big sport” is just the opposite. The tense, exhausting rhythm of training, taking anabolic steroids and other stimulants, the stress of the competition – all this leads to the fact that athletes often develop impotence, or as it is now called – erectile dysfunction. Here comes the aid of tablets for potency, for example, Viagra. You can order the well-known Viagra on the medical website ExpressApotek. If you are not suitable for Viagra, then you have the opportunity to order the means, which will have a positive effect on your men’s health on this specialized website. 


Many men in pursuit of fast physical results use steroids to increase testosterone in the blood. Testosterone is a hormone that is important in the male body. It is the hormone that is responsible for potency.

Of course, the first time after steroids there will be an impressive positive effect: an increase in testosterone, an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse, and the development of sexual power. However, these changes will not last long.

Artificially increasing testosterone affects its natural production by the body. After systematic use of steroids, the body cannot cope on its own and significantly reduces the dose of testosterone. And for some people, there is a risk of complete cessation of the formation of this hormone.

The body can’t recover on its own. For young men, it will take at least several months of work with doctors to get testosterone levels back to normal. While older men risk getting impotence for life altogether.

Excessive Exercise

Excessive exercise is another enemy of male potency. Experts have found that intensive exercise can cause a 15-40% drop in testosterone levels in men.

No one has yet been able to establish exactly how much intense exercise begins to reduce testosterone in the male body. There is speculation that regression can start after one month of training for up to six months.

Falling levels of the hormone greatly affect not only libido but also male fertility. Because of the stress after strenuous exercise, the body reduces sperm production. A man who abuses sports, more difficult to have children.

It is important not to put stress on the body while exercising. Advised after each workout with any degree of exertion well rest, sleep, or walk in the fresh air.

Sedentary sports

Not unimportant for male potency is the choice of sports. Boston University researchers have proven that sedentary sports like rowing, auto racing, bicycling, and so on, all contribute to blood stasis in the groin area. Constant pressure on the genitals during physical activity negatively affects blood circulation in the pelvic organs. It can also threaten impotence.

In such cases, it is recommended to combine several sports. Specialists say that exercises with an upright body position have a positive effect on potency. For example, jogging, walking, water sports, soccer, tennis, and so on. These physical exercises increase blood circulation in the groin area and improve potency.

Also, according to scientists, one of the most optimal physical activities for potency is yoga. It develops the elasticity of pelvic muscles, and improves blood circulation in the genital area and throughout the body. Plus, yoga greatly improves the quality of not only physical health but also psychological health.

Over-exercising can harm your body just as much as not exercising. Moderate exercise is essential to health, both in the gym and at bedtime. Remember that balance is important for your well-being everywhere in life.


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