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Paige VanZant – “OnlyFans has definitely been my largest source of income”

Paige VanZant has not been one to shy away from the copious amount of money she has been making on social media, but now the former UFC star has really poured it on.

In an interview with Only Stans video podcast, VanZant said one day of her earnings from OnlyFans is more than all of her fight purses combined.

“I’ve been really fortunate that my career, even outside of the UFC and outside of fighting, has been pretty successful,” VanZant said. “I’ve worked pretty hard in other industries and trying to cross over to I guess more of a mainstream personality. But yes, Only Fans has definitely been my largest source of income.

“I would say combined in my fighting career; I think I made more money in 24 hours on Only Fans that I had in my entire fighting career combined. … And so that’s why it’s hard as a person…you know, [I] was nervous about the stigma, but now … it’s hard to walk away. I feel like … when you’re one of those people that you were born poor, you grew up poor and then you become rich, it’s almost like you always just feel poor. So, you always want to continue to work hard, and I am lucky I’m in a position where I have been able to help my family; my husband and I help our family, and we do everything we can to bring everybody up to the table. … So, it … it’s justifies doing, you know, exclusive content, knowing that I’m helping take care of everybody around me.”

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