Things you hear at an MMA event: “Lick my cl*t” edition

“Lick my clit.”  Those were the words yelled by one unruly mixed martial arts fan while attending Art of War 15 at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this past Friday, December 13.

Curse words and fights go hand in hand, that’s nothing new.  Of course, we all remember the “Grab his d*ck and twist it,” guy that went viral in 2018.

When beers are flowing, adrenaline is pumping, and blood and sweat are flying, the human tongue naturally lets loose. Even the ladies have their fair share of fun when it comes to putting vulgarity on full display.

This weekend’s incident below:

Matt Hill of Martinez BJJ was capturing video of his teammate William Dill battle Vinny Oristaglio in one of the pro bouts at AOW 15.

And that’s when things got a little crazy……..

“Come on Vinny, you got this,” one woman screamed.  “Kick his f*cking ass!”

That’s when Hill starting laughing and the lady with the potty mouth interfered.

“You can lick my f*cking cl*t too,” she said.

Hill asked, “what’s that?”

She replied, “You heard me.  You can lick my f*cking cl*t.  That’s my f*cking cousin,” she said of Oristaglio.

Moments later Dill knocked Oristaglio out.

We do not know if Hill later went through with the woman’s orders to “lick her cl*t.”

And here’s a second view:


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2nd view with the chorus of ” lick my cl*t”

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Eric Kowal - We cover everything from MMA, BJJ, Bare Knuckle, Wrestling, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Judo News, Opinions, Videos, Radio Shows, Photos and more.