UFC IFW 2015 Sport Jiu-Jitsu Tournament
UFC IFW 2015 Sport Jiu-Jitsu Tournament
The United States Jiu-Jitsu Organization today announced a U.S. Nationals and U.S. Open Sport Jiu-Jitsu tournament that will be held during the popular 4th Annual UFC International Fight Week™ in Las Vegas from July 7-12, 2015.
Since its inception, UFC® International Fight Week has increased in size and activities, quickly establishing itself as the world’s largest mixed martial arts celebration. The weeklong festival provides high-energy, all-star entertainment that UFC is known to deliver and includes diverse events around town providing something for everyone.
Jiu-Jitsu fighting is a one-on-one competition divided into three parts, for all ages, weight and experience. For part one, the competitor attempts to score with various strikes, punches and kicks. Part two begins after one competitor grabs the other and from there they battle for a take-down to the ground. Part three involves submissions such as strangulations, holding and barring/locking of various body joints. The winner is the competitor that accumulated the most points throughout the match, however an automatic victory may happen if the competitor received “Ippon” (clean action/full points) in each part.
The Ne-Waza (Brazilian) fight starts in a standing position and the competitors try to gain points with several throwing, take-down, immobilizing techniques, sweeps and submissions. The fight can ultimately be won by a submission. If a submission does not happen, the fight is won by the competitor that has accumulated the most points throughout the match.
The Duo System is a discipline where teams of two jiu-jitsu athletes compete against each other. The teams demonstrate possible self-defense maneuvers against a variety of attacks. The attacks include strangulations, hit attacks, embraces, chokeholds and weapons.
The Jiu-Jitsu competitions will take place in the Harrah’s main ballroom from July 8-10.
Weigh In – Wednesday, July 8
US Nationals – Thursday, July 9
US JJIF Open Tournament* – Friday, July 10
*International grand slam points will be earned in any division with more than four countries.
Competition rules, tournament and hotel information: www.usjjo.org/2015-ufc-ifw-las-vegas/
About the United States Jiu-Jitsu Organization (USJJO)
The USJJO is recognized by the Jiu-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) as the National Jiu-Jitsu Member of the USA and as the recognized Governing Body for Jiu-Jitsu in the United States of America. USJJO members have the opportunity to take part in seminars, courses and competitive events offered by the USJJO, as well as the JJIF, and other affiliated organizations. The JJIF is the recognized Jiu-Jitsu Organization for the SportAccord Combat Games, an Olympic World Event. The JJIF represents Sports Jiu-Jitsu worldwide and is the only Jiu-Jitsu organization recognized by the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) and the International World Games Association (IWGA). The JJIF provides the opportunity for elite athletes from their National Members to compete in the World Games, which are organized and governed by the IWGA under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Including the United States of America, the JJIF has 81 member countries. For more information, please visit www.usjjo.org