Do You Enjoy playing Situs judi online?
Here’s a quick guide curated for your safety
The past year we went through an extraordinary time and were forced to stay most of the time indoors. Needless to say, screentime for everyone has increased rapidly. In search of breaking this cycle of boredom, many online games gained immense popularity. To add to the element of entertainment and thrill, there has also been an increase in the number of Indians who enjoy situs Judi online gambling. The word gambling itself generally has an ill reputation, but is it safe to indulge in it? This article is written with the view to give you an idea of how to stay safe while you continue to engage in online gambling. In these unprecedented times, when people are vulnerable to the novel Coronavirus,Online Pokeris almost a blessing sent from god.
Is online gambling legal in India?
The question of whether online gamblingis legal or not is complex. The answer here is not a simple yes or no. The laws and regulations are mostly quite vague or outdated to cater to the present issues because of the widespread usage of the internet.
It is also to be noted that the laws regarding gambling vary from state to state.The power to regulate vests with state authorities and therefore checking with local laws of the state you are residing in is suggested. For example, in the state of Maharashtra,online gamblingis expressly illegal. On the other hand, the Sikkim government has introduced a licensing system to regulate providers.
Laws & regulations regarding online gambling
Apart from legislation specific to states, there are a few central legislations that incidentally addresses the regulations on online gambling, and they are as follows:
● The Public Gambling Act,1867.
● Prize competition Act,1955.
● Information Technology Act, 2000.
However, all of the above mentioned legislations have a wide scope and do not define the term “gambling” clearly. These were drafted before the internet influenced every aspect of our life.
Through the wordings of The Public Gambling Act, it may be interpreted that it is illegal, but it is not absolute.
On the other hand, The Information Technology Act 2000 penalizes certain activities online as illegal and prescribes penalties. It empowers the government to block foreign websites. However, there is no clear mention of situs Judi online gambling.
Which games are considered to be gambling?
Unfortunately, there is no answer to that as well. There is no blanket rule to judge that, and It varies according to the facts. Most state legislations consider a game to fall under this category if it is a game of chance and not skills. Recently, Google removed Paytm from the google store for breaching gambling policies. The games in question were Dream 11 and Paytm First games. These games raised issues as they had the element of financial transactions to them. However, in the end, it was held that Dream 11 is a “game of skill” and does not fall under the ambit of online gambling.
To conclude, the position of online gambling in India is ambiguous & unclear. There is nothing that criminalizes betting online as of now. However, The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) 1999 governs the exchange of foreign currencies. If you deposit money to a gambling site in a foreign currency, it could be regarded as a foreign currency exchange, and you could be penalized. The way out from this is to use e-wallets. There is no reason to be scared of your safety online as mostly it’s safer to gamble online than in person. You should not worry too much about it and safely entertain yourself.