Nikhil Suresh, Indian MMA Fighter Dies After Knockout, No Medical Staff At Venue

Nikhil Suresh, an Indian MMA fighter, is dead after competing in a kickboxing kickboxing event that was held by the K1 Association of Karnataka.

Suresh, 23, was wearing head gear when struck with a punch, but collapsed and was later hospitalized. He died four days later of his injuries.

His coach, Vikram Nagaraj, states that there was no medical staff at the venue and the fighter had to be helped by those who were there to watch the competition.

“With profound sadness, I shoulder the burden of breaking the terrible news that we all dreaded. My boy Nikhil decided to hang his gloves today,” Nagaraj said on Instagram.

“His beautiful soul left us behind after a hard-fought battle in the early hours of today in spite of the best medical attention. He will be etched eternally on our hearts and memories. I am shattered beyond words by my loss. Today I have lost a son.

“We pray almighty to give us all enough strength to bear the unbearable. My deepest condolences.”

Suresh’s father accused the operators of the Rapid Fitness Gym in Jnanabharati of negligence. A formal investigation has been launched.

Police say event organizer Naveen Ravishankar is still missing, according to a report from The Sun.

Nikhil, who was tipped as the next big thing in MMA in India, recently participated in the 6th Open MMA Championship in Karnataka after featuring in the 5th MMA India Nationals in Madhya Pradesh according to the report.

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Eric Kowal - We cover everything from MMA, BJJ, Bare Knuckle, Wrestling, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Judo News, Opinions, Videos, Radio Shows, Photos and more.