
UFC 240 results: Max Holloway outworks Frankie Edgar to retain title
On July 27, 2019, the UFC returned for the organizations second pay-per-view card of July with UFC 240 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The event took place at Rogers Place and was headlined by a featherweight title fight between Max Holloway and Frankie Edgar.
Holloway has been on an absolute tear at 145 pounds over the last several years but will be stepping into the cage coming off of a loss for the first time since his January 2014 fight with Will Chope, which Holloway won via second-round TKO. “Blessed” jumped up to 155 pounds to take on Dustin Poirier for the interim lightweight title at April’s UFC 236 event and lost a unanimous decision.
Edgar returns to the Octagon for the first time in over 15 months and looks to capture his second UFC world title, this time at 145 pounds. After a knockout loss to Brian Ortega at UFC 222 in March 2018, “The Answer” bounced back with a unanimous decision win a little over a month later at UFC Atlantic City when he took on Cub Swanson.
Finally, after two other attempts to book the matchup, the featherweight title fight between Holloway and Edgar went down on Saturday night. Here is how it all went down, including MyMMANews.com’s round-by-round scoring.
You can get the full results of UFC 240 right here.
The wait is over! Herb Dean gets them going and they meet I the center. Edgar lands a leg kick. Holloway with a nice, long jab. Edgar with a left hand and comes up short with a leg kick. Edgar charges in and pushes Holloway with his fist. Left hand by the challenger. A pair of jabs by Holloway as Edgar charges in and comes up short with punches. Body kick from Edgar. Holloway with a nice uppercut as Edgar shoots for a single. Holloway is able to defend. Edgar with a leg kick and they circle. Holloway misses with a left hook, but lands a short uppercut to the chest of Edgar. Jab just misses by Edgar, but lands a nice right hand over the top. Right hand lands by the champion. Left hook to the body by Holloway, followed by a left over the top. Uppercut lands by Holloway. Edgar chasing Holloway a bit. Right hand lands flush by Edgar. The challenger throws a jab, but Holloway answers with a beautiful uppercut. Under 30 seconds left in the round as Edgar lands a leg kick. Right hand grazes Holloway. They trade left hands as the horn sounds. Fun opening round.
MyMMANews.com scores it 10-9 Holloway
Edgar with a right hand and a leg kick to start things off. Right hand over the top by Holloway. Left to the body lands by Holloway, followed by a right hand. Left hand by Edgar to answer. Leg kick, again, lands by Edgar. Uppercut lands once more for Holloway. They tie up and Holloway lands a short right. Leg kick from Edgar lands. Edgar shoots under with a double and Holloway defends. They separate and exchange punches. Right hand from Holloway lands on the tail end of a combination. Edgar fakes a leg kick, and goes up to the body. Another body kick by Edgar and a combination behind it. Nice left hand by Holloway. Edgar with a right hand on the shoulder of Holloway and the champion digs into the body of Edgar. They tie up and break quickly, with Holloway landing a right hand. Another right by Holloway and a jab by the champion as well. Edgar answers — pun not intended — with a right hand. Under a minute to go and Holloway lands a jab to the body of Edgar. Leg kick by the challenger. Holloway throws a jab, Edgar ducks under and shoots a single. Holloway defends nicely and lands a combination. Under 10 seconds to go and Holloway lands a stiff spinning back kick to the body of Edgar right before the horn sounds.
MyMMANews.com scores it 10-9 Holloway
Edgar shoots a single and Holloway defends. Jab from Holloway and a right hand answer by the challenger. Body kick by Edgar, and another. Two nice jabs land by Holloway and they circle. Edgar with a right hand after a Holloway jab. Edgar to the body and Holloway does the same. Edgar with a nice right hand, followed by another one over the top. Both guys come up short on a jab. They clinch and Holloway lands a knee to the body. Edgar with a nice combination, body to head. Edgar lands nice right hand on the tail end of an exchange. Under two minutes remain as Holloway stalks Edgar, landing a jab and a right hand to the body. Edgar shoots, separates and lands a nice right hand. Left hook by Holloway stings Edgar. Body kick lands by Holloway, uppercut follows. Holloway lands a big right hand and Edgar looks stunned. But, in classic Frankie Edgar fashion, he lands a takedown. Edgar on top and looks to score. Edgar with a right hand as he remains on top. Holloway gets to his feet and lands a knee as the round ends.
MyMMANews.com scores it 10-9 Holloway
The frenetic pace by these guys continue. Right hand by Edgar lands. Edgar misses a leg kick, but lands a nice kick to the body. Right hand over the top by Edgar, and another. Great start to the championship rounds for the challenger. Jab lands by Holloway. Edgar shoots for a single but Holloway stuffs the takedown. Edgar gives it another go and has Holloway against the fence. Holloway separates and they exchange. Jab by Holloway lands. More blood leaving Edgar’s nose with under two minutes to go. Holloway just misses a big high kick. Edgar ducks under a Holloway right hand. Edgar landing more volume in the round. Holloway throws a jab, Edgar enters for a single and Holloway defends. They trade jabs and Edgar lands a grazing combination. Edgar with a nice combination and Holloway lands a big right hand. Edgar charges in and Holloway defends. He tries again and they battle against the fence. Edgar looking for a takedown as the final seconds of the round fade out. Edgar with a shot to the body as the round ends. In my opinion, best round of the fight for Edgar.
MyMMANews.com scores it 10-9 Edgar
Final round in a very close fight. Edgar with a body kick and Holloway is doing a nice job sneaking out of the way of Edgar’s volume. Edgar pushing the pace in the round and lands a leg kick. Edgar shoots for a single and they battle against the fence. Holloway separates as the first minute of the round has come and gone. Edgar lands on the left shoulder of Holloway, who answers with a jab. Right hand lands by Holloway. Straight right and a jab from Holloway. Right hand by Holloway. Edgar is throwing a lot, but Holloway is making him miss. Jab lands by Holloway. Edgar lands a nice body shot and a right hand over the top as we reach the halfway point. Holloway lands with a combination. Edgar shoots for a single, Holloway sprawls and back to the feet they go. Edgar comes up short with a right hand. Less than two minutes left in the fight. Edgar’s volume continues but Holloway avoids the damage. Right hand from Holloway and another stiff jab behind it. Holloway with a straight right hand. Edgar lands a left hand as we approach the 30 second mark. Right hand over the top by Edgar. Spinning back kick by Holloway and Edgar takes the back. Holloway separates, lands a body kick and they exchange as the fight ends. Good fight, but I’d say Holloway retains.
MyMMANews.com scores it 10-9 and the fight 49-46 for Holloway