Dylin Drivdahl - Photos by Ryan Hall, Get The Picture Photography of Montana
Dylin Drivdahl: 18 year old, high school senior, 3 MMA titles, 17 fights

Dylin Drivdahl: 18 year old, high school senior, 3 MMA titles, 17 fights

Dylin Drivdahl ventured into mixed martial arts at just 13 years of age. The journey began the youngster started training under Johnny Aho with Team Proven Grounds, home to Montana’s most elite MMA team.
“I also have had a very motivational, and supportive coach whom I also call father. Johnny Aho adopted me at the age of 13, and together we have had great success in Mixed Martial Arts,” Drivdahl said.
Now at the very ripe and young age of 18, still in high school, and the early stages of adulthood, Drivdahl already encompasses a 14-3 amateur record.
“I am now a senior in high school, and I have my heart set fully on moving to Phoenix, Arizona to begin my Professional career with John Crouch, the head coach of the MMA Lab,” Drivdahl said.
“I am fully committed to train full time. I am very confident and I am dedicated to this sport one hundred percent.”
According to an ESPN article, “In his Muay Thai (Thai kickboxing) debut, on February 15, 2014, Drivdahl battled a vastly more experienced 25-year-old opponent named Dante Perry, and he earned a three-round unanimous decision.”

While the comparison to Conor McGregor is hard to translate in terms of star power and marketability, the desire to win and compete is visibly equatable.
McGregor was once a youngster attending a UFC event, asking for photos with the likes of UFC Hall of Famer, Chuck Liddell.
Several years later he is the most lucrative mixed martial artist on the planet with dreams of fighting and capturing titles in various weight classes.
Drivdahl is making moves in various weight classes and fight organizations en route to his professional debut.
“I am currently a holder of three amateur titles in three different weight classes,” Drivdahl said.
“I am the 140lbs and 145lbs FightForce champion. I am the 135lbs champion for ICF/221 industries as well.”
According to an ESPN article, “In his Muay Thai (Thai kickboxing) debut, on February 15, 2014, Drivdahl battled a vastly more experienced 25-year-old opponent named Dante Perry, and he earned a three-round unanimous decision.”
Drivdahl’s next fight comes in just weeks.
“I am scheduled to fight again on the 24th of this month for revolution MMA in Missoula, Montana right after the end of wrestling season,” he said.
Just as one would expect, money is not exactly yet being thrown at the Montana native. Still in high school and yet to make his pro debut, Drivdahl hasn’t yet learned what fame really tastes like.
“I do not have enough sponsors at this time to cover my training and living expenses,” he said.
With several months until graduation Drivdahl will have to make ends meet before he takes on fighting as a full time career.
Best of luck in everything you do Dylin. The sky’s the limit.