How is CORE body temp Sensor Technology Influencing Sports Performance?
Technology has influenced the sports sector in the last few years. Now we can find personal wearables devices with tracking systems, new apps for training and at-home workouts, and so on. Tech will continue growing and impacting the sector, but mainly improving elite athletes’ performance and results.
There are many variables that can influence elite athletes’ performance, like nutrition, health (heart rate, body temperature), type of training, and equipment. But specifically, talking about body temperature, it is known that during exercises increases because the muscles use heat to create energy. Thus, by knowing the temperature, elite athletes can optimize their energy and perform better, avoiding heat stroke.
The Swiss company GreenTEG has developed CORE, a body temperature sensor that can be used for health, daily routine, and sports. This device can be mounted with a strap or with sticky pads to measure temperature. It can continue monitoring body temperature for long periods, so it is useful for example for training or competing, for athletes like runners, cyclists, and football players.
Impact on sports performance
The impact of health core temp sensor technology on sports performance has yet to be determined. Until now, monitoring core temperature was a challenging and expensive process. Rectal thermometers were inconvenient during competition and required a separate set-up.
However, the new wearable device, called the CORE body temp sensor, is changing that. The wearable device can impact sports by providing body temperature accurate data by measuring with its thermal transfer sensor, which also uses a machine learning-based algorithm. Moreover, it can be connected wirelessly with other sportive devices like Garmin, iOS, and Android smartwatches and smartphones as well as various gateways.
Reliability and use by elite athletes
Reliable measurement of core body temperature is important in sports because it can help athletes increase their performance and avoid heat stroke. Many devices can measure temperature, including wristbands and sensors. However, some only measure skin temperatures that are not accurate, and that’s where GreenTEG’s core temp sensor technology comes in.
CORE was used by Kristian Blummenfelt, an Olympic Gold medalist and Ironman World Champion, who used CORE to prepare for hot and humid races. He said that the data CORE gave to him helped to create an acclimatize strategy and to better understand the heat training protocol for one of the most famous triathlons, the IRONMAN.
The use of the device in sports
Health core temp sensor technology has made its way into sports and is now being used by endurance athletes. This technology allows athletes to keep their skin temperature at a constant temperature, which helps their body to focus their resources on athletic performance. In the future, sensors may help improve athletes’ performance, and we will know more about core body temp opinions.
In the end, this type of information can be used to know how to mitigate hyperthermia and hypohydration and the impact it has on exercise performance in a hot environment. By creating great strategies for acclimatization, cooling and hyperhydration.