Memory Loss: Everything You Need to Know

Memory Loss: Everything You Need to Know

What is memory loss?
Your brain is the ultimate storage house for all the events taking place in your life; it stores memories here and there and then helps you cherish them whenever you want to. This is called “Recalling.” But with people with memory loss, recalling doesn’t remain an option as the memory slowly begins to fade away until it is all blurry or merely a haze, and your mind can’t make anything of it. This is called Memory loss; although there is no particular age limit, older people tend to get affected more than the young ones. Moreover, you need to do dementia treatment at the earliest possible.

Types of memory loss
Two kinds of memory get stored in your brain; long-term memory and short-term memory. Long term memory is for things, events, known facts, how to get from point A to point B, and other crucial information that is personal and completes you as a particular human being. While on the other hand, short-term memory corresponds to something you have just done recently or about to do, such as putting items on a grocery list that you are about to shop for or remembering where you put your car keys.

As there are two different types of memory hence, the types of memory loss are also classified into these two aspects;

Long-term memory loss
When someone has trouble recalling the important informational aspects such as who they are, where they live, and other vital facts that provide them an identity of their own, this condition is subjected to long-term memory loss. It is more evident in older people and is a normal transition with aging.

Short-term memory loss
On the other hand, when someone can’t remember where they put the car keys, what they were about to do/say, or a sudden shift of thought cycle from one thing to an entirely new subject is known as short-term memory loss. It happens when your mind entirely skips the current details of an event and is wholly derailed for grasping some other thought. You might remember what you forgot later eventually, but it won’t come to you right away.

Causes of Memory Loss
According to professionals, there are two different causes; some are reversible while others are known as irreversible, meaning that you can’t change them. Although the reversible causes are as follows:

  • Severe mental health problems and depression
  • Emotional stress
  • Overdosing or bearing side effects to prescription drugs such as anti-anxiety
  • Vitamin B-12 deficiency
  • Excessive accumulation of fluid around the brain

While other irreversible causes are as follows:

  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Brain tumors
  • Strokes
  • Loss of oxygen
  • Seizures and Epilepsy

These are some of the irreversible causes that you can’t change or take back in any aspect.

Symptoms of Memory Loss
The most applicable sign that you can use as a reference is forgetting about things and events from your life that might have happened a while before and had some sort of significance for you. Such as where is your home town or who are your friends?

Other more detailed symptoms might include;

  • Interchanging the philosophy and meaning of words such as using the term ‘eating’ when you are drinking water
  • Forgetting common or daily life words
  • Not being able to find your way even when at a familiar place.
  • Getting lost while doing the same task and forgetting all about it
  • Getting more and more irritable while going through behavioral changes

Treatments for Memory Loss
The first thing that needs to be done here is to understand the potential cause of the problem. Is it long term memory loss or short term? Are you going through Alzheimer’s or dementia? These are the questions that can be a deal-breaker when looking for plausible dementia treatment options. Moreover, you can consider doing dementia treatment in india, as they will assist you with the utmost care.

The treatment itself would depend on the cause of the problem, if it is due to the medicine you are taking, then your doctor will change it for you, or if it results from some other illness, then your physician can work on curing the disease. On the other hand, if it is due to some irreversible cause such as a brain tumor, surgery would be the only option.

Prevention for Memory Loss
If it is due to some irreversible reasons, then there isn’t much that can be done, but still, there are a few things that can be done to prevent the escalation;

  • Be physically active and engage yourself in some relaxing exercises.
  • Stay mentally active and focused.
  • Cut back on caffeine, alcohol, or skip the use of any drugs that seem to cause the problem.
  • Get organized in your daily life.
  • Skip oily foods and fast food from your diet and stick with a healthy diet

Living with Memory loss can be strenuous, and if it is due to irreversible causes, it can make the problem even worse for you. But it is advised to take care of yourself, eat healthily, try to socialize, and follow your physicians’ instructions wholeheartedly; they only want what is best for you.

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