MMA IN SPACE: Space 11 Announces New Zero Gravity Galactic Combat League
Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of an intergalactic mixed martial artist. It’s one year mission: to train how no other martial artist has trained before. To seek out new techniques and new chain wrestling. To boldly train where no man has trained before. Yes, Galactic Combat is a real thing and it’s coming soon. It will be bringing zero gravity mixed martial arts contests to you.
Space 11’s Galactic Combat is sending MMA fights to space, literally. Zero gravity combat. The entertainment company announced that it will be choosing 40 fighters from around the world to learn and develop new techniques for training combat sports in a zero gravity environment. No, you’re not high, but these fighters will be very soon.
Galactic Combat: A new form of MMA
Galactic Combat says that the competition will be held with 40 athletes from around the world. Of those 40, 32 will be eliminated terrestrially. Then, the final 8 will participate in a Zero G competition. When it gets down to the finals, the last two fighters will be sent to space in an actual rocket ship equipped with a special fighting capsule to compete in.
The season will consist of 24 one hour episodes and 12 bonus episodes to be streamed. Streaming partners have not yet been announced, but soon will be.
The 40 fighters will be trained in similar ways to astronauts in terms of G-force resistance and maneuvering in zero gravity. In addition, the fighters will have to come up with new techniques for fighting without gravity. Jiu Jitsu, striking and wrestling will all have to be reworked to a place where leverage points are non existent.
Galactic Combat is an absurdly insane project taken on by Space 11, who plans on bringing entertainment of all types to outer space. The insane idea is bound to spark the interest of fans that are looking for something new.
Stay posted to My MMA News for all the latest surrounding the cosmic side of mixed martial arts. We are now your number one source for all things galactic-MMA related. Eat that, lesser sites. Thanks for reading.